The Art of Devotion Daylong provides an opportunity to settle into your depths, connect with your heart, soul and creativity, and make something of deep personal meaning. And it's a ton of fun! It’s a day of creativity, authenticity, fun, community, play, self-expression and a commitment to bringing more beauty and joy into your life and into the lives of others.
In this one day workshop you will:
CONNECT with self and others in a safe, supportive and fun setting
EXPLORE who and what inspires you and makes your heart sing
ACCESS the love and devotion that lives in your heart
IDENTIFY how you want to express that love and devotion
CREATE something tangible to convey your message of love
SHARE your unique creative expressions of love and beauty
In the early part of the day you will spend time exploring and reflecting on what or whom you feel the most devotion toward in the present moment. Sometimes this is another person, a cause or project, or a part of one’s deeper being.
After lunch, the art supplies are taken out, and you’ll get to make something that is a tangible expression of your love and devotion.
Possible practices, creations and offerings include making: a collage • shadow box • shrine • song • love letter • poem • prayer • mandala •
a booklet • card • ornament • acts of kindness • drawing
In the last hour you will reconvene in the larger group to show your creation, and be witnessed as you share your experience.
“The greatest remorse is love unexpressed” -Angeles Arrien
Facilitated by Elizabeth Cotton MFT
and Marc Gabbana, professional illustrator and art consultant
• no previous art experience necessary •
To register for an upcoming Daylong Workshop click here
“I have a whole new
appreciation for what
devotion truly means”

“For me, that was the most
wonderfully fulfilling day
on so many levels” T.R.

“I love my altar box! It gives me
great joy!” K.C.
“Thank you both so much for today. You were such a fabulous team.
Beautiful experience!” S.A.

To register for an upcoming Daylong Workshop click here